Ballot Paper Template: Vote on Resolutions

Your organization – be it an association, a cooperative or credit union – is only competent to pass resolutions if there is the option to vote on central issues concerning the organization at the general meeting (member meeting, representatives meeting, annual meeting). By giving members the possibility to vote on resolutions, they actively influence the actions of your organization. 

Learn more about online voting and live voting

Sample Ballots for Proposed Amendments to Download

The ballot paper when voting on a resolution can be handed out to all attending members and sent to absent members via email. Thus, you guarantee that many eligible voters use their right to vote.
In this kind of election, you have to verify the quorum of your meeting, according to the bylaws.

Be aware of the ballot paper’s structure for the vote:

  • Explain the context of the resolution
  • Provide instructions to cast the vote
  • State the question / amendment / resolution

By giving detailed information about the vote, the instructions are more easily understandable to your members.  

Free ballot paper template to download
Ballot paper template for a vote on resolutions and amendments (PDF)

Ballot Papers for Members: Written or Online

Resolutions do not have to be put up for vote at a general members meeting. They can also be held in written form.

Make use of the convenient possibilities of our digital age and use email or online voting for your votes. This assumes that your bylaws allow the use of electronic votes.

Read more about the content of bylaws

By voting in writing, you do not have to convene your membership for a meeting.
The simplest electronic ballot includes these options: (YES), (NO) and (ABSTENTION). However, including the option to abstain is unnecessary in some institutions. Therefore, it is at the board of directors’ discretion to choose which options shall be provided on the ballot paper. 

Polyas Tip: Are your members spread across the nation or even worldwide? A virtual general meeting with live voting could be a convenient alternative for your members. Go the next step into the digital future and vote on your resolutions online. Get advice from our election experts and request an unbinding quote!

Voting Process

The technical convention for a vote happens through the board of directors. Often the votes on resolutions or proposed amendments will be held at the annual general meeting in accordance with the bylaws. It is important to note that the invitation and notice about the annual general meeting are made public on time and reaches all members. If any mistakes happen in this process, members can challenge the quorum of the general meeting.

Plan your deadlines for making the notice about the general meeting public. In addition, decide on a medium, which is in accordance to the bylaws, to send or publicize the invitation to the general meeting.