Online Voting for the Supervisory Board at the Bookstore Osiander

More than 500 employees in 26 cities elected the supervisory board of the bookstore Osiander online.

The bookstore Osiander is one of the oldest companies in its industry and provides its nationwide-electorate with the ability to vote comfortably and quickly from their own homes by choosing to make the switch to Polyas. The result was legally valid as it adhered to the election principles set out in our online voting system.

Save time and elect the board online

Osiander deliberately opted for online elections to take advantage of the simplicity and speed provided online ballots. Our online ballot creation system helped speed up the creation of the election and the voting process ensured that a secure and secret election was held rapidly.

With Polyas, supervisory board project managers not need electoral officers and do not need to bear the responsibility for maintaining the secrecy and security of the ballot boxes.

Countrywide online voting with high voter turnout

“The voters could elect within the scheduled election period, whenever and wherever they wanted to,” CEO Riethmüller explains. These are the benefits of online voting which were decisive for Osiander.

“The costs of organising a conventional election would have been much higher,” Riethmüller says. With a total of 34 branches nationwide, employees could vote online from anywhere at any time. This feature contributes considerably to the simplification of election administration.

Osiander had an encouraging turnout of 49%, with ballots reaching all eligible voters directly online and on time.

High voter satisfaction with the online voting process

As Osiander has a network of employees that are spread out across Germany, online voting simplified their whole election process. Voters were able to cast their ballots at any time within the voting period from any internet-connected device.

CEO Riethmüller explains the high level of satisfaction from the electorate: “The voters were impressed with the online election, above all, because they could elect anytime and anywhere from their computer.” Voters easily found their way around the clear and self-explanatory election platform. Within a few minutes, voters were able to cast their vote online.

High voter satisfaction and simple election management convinced Osiander to use online elections in their branches in the future:

“Because of the considerable advantages of online elections, we will certainly also organise future elections online.”