Home Ballot Box Election

Combine your ballot box election with online voting

  • Combine the traditional with the innovative: ballot box elections and online elections
  • Get the full service with our experienced election experts for accurate and legally valid election results
  • Boost voter turnout by increasing participation opportunities in your election

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Combine ballot box elections with online voting

Are you planning a ballot box election and want to offer your voters an additional way to vote if they can't attend the polling station? The combined method of integrating ballot box elections with online voting is perfect if you want to reach those members of your electorate who can't attend on election day. This allows your organization to offer all voters a convenient way of participating in the election by enabling a new form of absentee ballot

You and your voters can choose the appropriate election procedure to suit your organization's individual needs. Inform eligible voters about the election online and distribute access data for the online voting system by email. During the election period, voters can decide whether they want to vote at the polling station or online. Empowering your voters to choose their preferred voting procedure will increase your voter turnout.

Read more about combining online voting with postal voting!

The full service for accurate and legally valid election results

Reduce the cost of organizing your next election with online voting. Create ballots easily online with the click of a button and reduce your printing costs to a minimum. We'll support you in organizing your combined online and ballot box election so that you can receive accurate and legally valid election results.

Our experienced election experts will support you throughout all phases of your election:

  • Delivery of election documents by post or email
  • Voting by paper ballots or online
  • Counting and consolidation of all completed ballots
  • Analysis of voter behavior for future elections

Contact our election experts and experience our comprehensive service in your combined ballot box and online election.

Service by election experts for ballot box and online voting
Increase turnout through combined ballot box and online voting

Increase voter turnout by combining voting procedures

Globalization has allowed people to become increasingly mobile while still able to stay in touch with their familiar associations or clubs. Technological innovations have also allowed employees in companies to work from remote places or at home. Students studying abroad or doing internships aren't at their regular place of study. The reasons for having a scattered electorate are manifold.

Increase voter turnout by offering voters the opportunity to vote online from anywhere in the world, in addition to the physical polling station. Send your voting documents digitally and prevent manipulation or tampering with our intelligent security mechanisms. With POLYAS you can monitor voter turnout in real-time and receive the election results with the click of a button.

Let your electorate vote from any location - at your polling place or from anywhere in the world - online.

Click here for more expert tips on how to increase your voter turnout by integrating online voting into your next election.