Cut election costs for the electoral management and receive your election results via mouse click
You do not need to print ballots, set up ballot boxes, or even count the ballots. Polyas’ system is fully automated and delivers the election results at your fingertips. With an online election with Polyas, you can save money in labor costs as well as reduce the stress and hassle of physical voting
Online elections save costs and reduce the personnel expenses involved in planning elections
Through online elections, a community can greatly minimise the effort in organising elections. An election incurs less personnel and material expenses and in this way, you save valuable time by designing ballot papers digitally on our online platform. The results of the elections can then be obtained at the press of a button, showing voter turnout and the election result.
The online disability advisory council elections can become cost-efficient and convenient for the community with Polyas.
Request a non-binding offer for your Disability Advisory Council election now