Home Postal Voting

Postal Voting

Combine postal with online voting

  • Combine the most convenient voting procedures for your electorate: postal and online voting
  • Comprehensive service by our election experts for accurate and legally valid election results
  • Minimize election costs by using the optimum combination of voting procedures

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Increase security and efficiency through online voting

Vote easily by post and online

Do you want to offer your electorate a convenient election regardless of their location, but cannot exclusively offer an online election for organizational reasons? Combining voting procedures - postal and online voting - is appropriate if you don't have the email addresses of all eligible voters or if you want to facilitate a smooth transition towards voting entirely online in the future.

You and your voters can choose the appropriate election procedure(s) to suit your organization's individual needs. One way of conducting online elections is to send the election documents by email and then conduct the election entirely online. Another approach is to integrate both postal and online voting. This empowers your voters to cast their votes however they prefer.

Enjoy our complete service for combined elections

POLYAS handles the entire organization of combined online and postal voting for you in order to ensure legally valid and accurate election results. Absentee voting is no longer complicated with voters being able to conveniently from home. 

Our experienced election experts support you throughout all phases of your election:

  • Send election documents by post or email
  • Vote by post or online
  • Counting and consolidation of all completed ballots
  • Evaluation of voter behavior for future elections

Contact our election experts for comprehensive service in a combined postal vote and online election.

Combine online voting with the absentee ballot
Elect advisory boards in your local community online

Reduce election costs by combining voting procedures

Pure postal voting is costly because mail ballot papers must be created, printed and sent. There are also additional costs for the return of completed ballots as well as high personnel costs involved in counting votes manually. Combining postal vote with the digital features of an online election allows you to reduce your election costs to a minimum.

Send your election documents digitally and prevent manipulation with our intelligent security mechanisms. View voter turnout in real-time and access your accurate election results at the click of a button. Combing voting procedures gives your voters the opportunity to vote conveniently from anywhere in the world - by post or online.