Home Combined Voting

Service: Combined Voting Procedures

Vote Easily with a Combined Election

  • Enable your voters to vote comfortably worldwide
  • Reduce the costs of sending and producing voting material
  • Increase your voter turnout by allowing different methods of ballot casting

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Increase voter turnout by combining election methods

Every voter should have the ability to cast their votes in the way that suits them. One voter may wish to cast their ballot at a local polling station while others may be more comfortable voting online or via postal or online voting. Offer your electorate different methods of voting by using our combined voting procedures and help them exercise their voting rights as well as increase the turnout for your election.

Want to manage your election online in addition to your postal ballot? Get started today >


Combine online, postal, live and in-person voting options

Let your electorate decide how they want to receive their voting credentials as well as how they would like to vote. You can use our combined voting procedures to send out invitations by post, email or post a link on your Intranet (where applicable) letting your voters decide how they would like to cast their ballot.

POLYAS offers proven electoral procedures for combined ballots. Your members can freely choose which method of voting they would like to use:

  • Online Voting: Voters can cast their ballots from any internet-connected device with a browser in five easy steps. The certified Online-Voting system from POLYAS guarantees to uphold all of the principles of a democratic election.
  • Postal Voting: Our ballot papers are suitable for automated paper-vote scanners and are able to fit any envelope.
  • Ballot Box Voting: Allow your electorate to cast paper ballots into a traditional ballot box at a polling station

When the election period closes, all ballots will be counted by our voting system. You will receive the election results as well as an evaluation of the election: Anonymous voting patterns, voter turnout, preferred voting methods, etc. at the press of a button.

Read more about our legally valid online election reports

Combine Postal and Online Voting

Further services for your combined election

Choose further services and features of the POLYAS Voting System:

Learn about all functions in our POLYAS online voting support center >