Increase Voter Turnout: Easy Online Vote Casting

Voters vary in their voting behavior so it is important to conduct elections according to the needs of voters. By doing so, potential voters are motivated to vote. 

Undecided voter groups can be encouraged to vote through proactive election management. Therefore, it is best to inform voters about the details of the election: give directions to the polling station, explain and provide necessary documents and notify voters of their particular voting rights in order to minimise obstacles to participation. 
When you use online elections you send a signal to your voters that participation is easy and requires hardly any time and effort!

Sit back and Vote from your Couch

The advantage is obvious: it takes hardly any effort for voters to vote online. The voting experience is extremely easy: sit back and vote from your couch at home or just as quickly at your work place – online voting can be simply integrated into everyday life. For hesitant voters or non-voters who do not wish to attend the polling station, online voting can be a powerful method of motivation.

Learn more about different groups of voters and how to address them!

Online Voting for a Higher Turnout

If voters won’t go to the ballot box, bring the ballot box to them: digital ballot boxes reach voters wherever they are. Creating easy opportunities to cast votes can increase voter turnout. 

Explain to your voters how easy and convenient online voting is and thereby advertise your innovative election:

  • Voters won’t have to go to the polling station and won’t waste valuable time. This is a particularly important argument for online voting by institutions with members throughout the US or worldwide.
  • Votes can be cast from any device connected to the internet. That’s why voters don’t have to stress about going to the polling station: online voting takes just a few minutes.
  • The easy authentication process makes casting votes online possible. Inform your voters of the advantages: a few clicks and voting is done.
  • Being present at the polling station is no longer necessary: attract hesitant voters with easy online voting or active voters who don’t have time on election day. 

POLYAS-Tip: Make online voting possible in your institution and massively reduce your costs: save travel expenses, save time and allow your voters to cast their vote with ease. Get more information about the process of online voting with POLYAS! 

Comfortable Elections in Everyday Life

The opportunity to vote online is a great service for voters. Now voters can easily vote and save time doing so. Everyday life is stressful, so participating in an election should be pleasant and simple. Our voting experts will support you in setting up and conducting an online election. Request a free quote now!