Increase Voter Turnout: Voting Reminders

This is how you increase the voter turnout

Everything you do to motivate eligible persons to vote is considered “election advertising”. As the organizer of the election you are also performing the role of an advertising executive.

Advertising is a multi-layered and deeply researched field, with many studies seeking to determine which different forms of advertising work best. Another large area of research also helps to get the best results: psychology. If you already happen to be in the business of advertising, you can apply your knowledge of this extensively researched field to your advantage in your election – for example, using the power of reminders and repetition to motivate your voters. 

Use marketing strategies to increase the voter turnout, for example by sending out election reminders 

Repetition as an instrument to increase the voter turnout

We often learn through repetition in order to internalize things such as mathematical formulae, historical dates or telephone numbers. The same concept is also used in the field of advertising. You would have certainly noticed that during a single television commercial break there are often two commercials for the same product. The first and longer version is the “main spot” and the second shorter version the “reminder”. The reminder recalls to the viewer’s mind the product featured in the main spot. Studies show that viewers remember advertised products better after “double adverts”. 

Making use of a voting reminder in your election can positively influence your voter turnout. People tend to like being reminded because it gives them the feeling of being valued and appreciated. “It is important to me that you take part in this election” is  the message your reminder sends to your voters. This is how you create a sense of belonging among the eligible voters.

Send reminders to vote to engage the voters

“Reminding“ doesn’t necessarily mean your voters have forgotten to vote and need to be reminded. Try a targeted and personal approach to the eligible voters in the election reminders. In this way you can strengthen the sense of responsibility among the voters. When a voter feels responsible and personally called to cast their vote, they are likelier to respond to that call compared to impersonal contact.

Read more about how you can increase the voter turnout by using a personalized language!

POLYAS-Tip: People tend to react strongly to a sense of urgency, so include the number of days left to vote in your voting reminder as a countdown. When voting online with POLYAS, you can see your voter turnout in real time and inform your voters about the election in the voting reminder. 

Send out reminders to vote at the push of a button

There are various easy and low-cost ways to send out voting reminders. Rather than sending out expensive postal reminders, instead send reminder emails to all voters with the click of a mouse. If you have taken into account our tips to increase your voter turnout by using effective and personalized language, the voting reminder can be very useful during the final days of the election period. Send an automatic election reminder before the beginning of the voting period with a few mouse clicks in the POLYAS Online Voting Manager or let the POLYAS voting experts take over the process of sending out the reminders.

To increase the voter turnout in your online election even more, POLYAS Online Voting System provides you with a range of features you and your voters can benefit from. 

Learn about all functions in our POLYAS online voting support center >