Professional Association Election Service

Our professional association election service is designed to target the difficulties in managing elections. Most professional associations elect their board of directors or vote on resolutions via mail. Paper ballots need to be produced, mailed and then returned to be counted manually. This system is extraordinarily expensive and time consuming for an association. It was developed for the comfort of their members and to increase voter turnout, not for the ease of management.

We have developed a full list of features and services which reduce the costs of managing elections as well as reducing the effort involved too!

Digitalise your Voting Process Online

Online elections are a direct replacement for paper election. From the perspective of the voter, it is much simpler – they receive their credentials via email or via mail as usual. Instead of having to fill in complex instructions they log into the election website with secure credentials and cast their vote online. 

From a management perspective, online elections are far easier to organise. All professional associations have detailed lists of their members, and if they are in good standing. This should include e-mail addresses or failing that, an up-to-date physical address. Your complete electoral roll can simply be uploaded to our online election software, ballot papers can be created easily. Run a test election with up to five testers to ensure everything looks the way you want it to and then seal the election. Results are ready shortly after the election has closed. 

Our Live voting platform was designed to improve upon the voting process at annual general meetings. The management process is simple and cost-effective, with results being shown on the voter’s smartphones or tablets as soon as the vote has finished. 

Learn more about how our live voting platform can enhance a professional association’s AGM. 

Fully Managed Elections

The process of managing elections yourself is complex and will take up a significant amount of time and effort, especially if you are voting offline. We offer fully managed online elections, which can be held in combination with paper elections. We will take the entire election process off of your hands – simply send us a list of candidates, the electoral roll and any other details you would like to be included in your election and we will manage the rest. 

You can be as involved as you like: we have over 20 years of experience working with digital elections so you can rest easy knowing you are in safe hands. Alternatively, you can tailor your election and use your knowledge of your association to increase voter turnout and participation rates. 

POLYAS-Tip: There are various features that are only available for managed elections For a full list of our features and services click here.

Self Managed Elections

If you prefer to handle things by yourself, you can simply create an account here and get your election up and running. We are always here to help, should you get stuck at any time. Do not hesitate to contact one of our support teams

  1. Create your ballot paper
    • Add candidates, their bios and how many votes your voters may cast.
  2. Upload your electoral roll
    • Upload your list of members and label the columns in the election system. 
  3. Finalise the dates and start the election
    • Your voters will be able to track the turnout, re-send credentials and download the results from the election system. 

For a more detailed look at our voting software and how to create an election quickly and simply, click here.