Anonymity in Employee Engagement Surveys

The goal of employee engagement surveys is to gain a deeper insight into employee satisfaction, the organization of work and potential areas to improve both work-life and business performance. In order to elicit genuine feedback from your employees, engagement surveys responses should always be anonymous.

Anonymity – the cornerstone of useful surveys

Employees should be able to freely express their opinions and criticize or praise the business and its processes without fears of any ramifications. By allowing respondents to answer anonymously, your employees will find it easier to make free and more importantly, honest criticisms and suggestions which will help change your business for the better.

Ways of making surveys anonymous

Protecting the anonymity of respondents during your employee engagement survey can be achieved in different ways.

The Anonymous Written Questionnaire

The anonymity of survey participants can be protected through the use of written questionnaires. Written surveys can be equipped with codes that enable responses to be processed without revealing the identity of the respondents. Moreover, employee engagement surveys can be sent to employees’ home addresses in order to ensure there has been no external pressure. The two envelope method of voter secrecy can then be used. The outside envelope often includes a waiver, but the envelope contained inside is a generic one that is then put into a large ballot box to ensure anonymity. 

The Online Employee Engagement Survey

Online employee engagement surveys protect both the personal data and identity of participants. Our system’s architecture uses end-to-end encryption, allowing respondents to remain anonymous. Another advantage is that responses cannot be linked to an employee’s handwriting because everything is done digitally.

POLYAS-Tip: You’ll do more than just preserve respondents’ anonymity with online employee engagement surveys – you’ll also save time and money in their organization. Learn more about online employee engagement surveys now!

Increased response rates

Anonymous participation and easy access to engagement surveys offer employees a strong incentive to take part. Higher participation means you’ll be able to download meaningful survey results at the click of a button. With reliable survey data at your fingertips, you’ll be empowered to implement any necessary changes and quickly too.

Our experts are ready to advise you on introducing online employee engagement surveys now!