Sample Questions for Employee Engagement Surveys

Questions in employee engagement surveys can vary in terms of form and content, depending on the specific goals you are pursuing with the survey. Below you can download some sample employee engagement questions for free.

Sample questions for employee satisfaction surveys (PDF)

Sample questions for employee satisfaction surveys

The following sample questions for employee satisfaction surveys cover a range of topics designed to elicit relevant and meaning results. Satisfaction in the workplace is an important factor in raising the engagement and productivity of your staff.

In order to learn how satisfied your employees are with daily work-life as well as the business as a whole, include the following broad themes in your survey:

  • Satisfaction with the role and the workplace
  • Satisfaction with communication within the company
  • Satisfaction with teamwork and working atmosphere
  • Satisfaction with business managers and their conduct in the workplace
  • Satisfaction with opportunities for further education and career development
  • Satisfaction with the opportunity to give upwards feedback
  • Satisfaction with the company as a whole

Through these broader parameters, you’ll be able to learn which parts of the business your employees think could be improved upon and what undermines their productivity in the workplace. Equipped with this knowledge, you’ll be able to approach and implement any necessary changes to make your employees more engaged and more productive.

Download free sample questions for employee engagement surveys

You can now download our free sample questions for employee engagement surveys which cover employee satisfaction.

Download free sample questions for employee engagement surveys

Sample questions for employee satisfaction surveys (PDF)

POLYAS-Tip: simplify the laborious creation, printing and distributing of employee engagement surveys by carrying them out online. Learn more about online employee engagement surveys!

Advantages of Online Employee Engagement Surveys

Save time and money by carrying out employee engagement surveys online – create the questionnaire easily online and upload an Excel-formatted directory of participants into the survey-system at the click of a button. Invite employees to participate and send reminders about the survey via email to boost employee participation.

High data security in online employee engagement surveys

Employee data as well as anonymity are protected in online employee engagement surveys. Learn more today about introducing online employee engagement surveys into your company. Contact our experts now!