Employee Engagement Survey Process

Employee engagement surveys are a sensitive topic because employees are asked to evaluate their supervisors and specific projects, as well as the general working environment. The aim of these (mostly qualitative) questionnaires is to gain insights into the sentiment across the business with a view to making changes to create a happier and more productive workforce. Employee engagement surveys are modern management-tools which require careful planning and organization. Here you’ll learn more about the process of carrying out employee engagement surveys.

Planning the Survey

Before you create your questionnaire you should think about what you would like to achieve from your survey. 

Keep these issues in mind:

  • How can I retrospectively measure the success of my employee engagement survey?
  • Are there processes which might be changed in light of the survey results?
  • Which departments should be directly involved in the engagement survey?

When planning and setting goals for your employee engagement survey, be sure to include both company managers and employee representatives.

Creating the survey:

  1. Decide if you want to conduct your employee engagement survey online or offline
  2. Put together a project team from different departments to create the survey
  3. Create a timetable for conducting the survey
  4. Calculate the costs of carrying out the survey (for example printing and postage costs)

Learn more practical tips for managing your employee feedback survey!

Carrying out the survey

Invite your employees to participate in the questionnaire. As an example, you can do this over the company intranet or via email. Keeping in mind that survey participation is voluntary and anonymous, in your invitation make sure to inform your employees about the objectives and content of the survey. Encourage your employees to participate in the survey by offering a smooth survey experience.

Analyzing the results

The fun part begins after the employee engagement survey has been carried out – analyzing the data! The following points are relevant here:

  • How many employees took part?
  • What did the participants feel was positive and negative?
  • How can the criticism be used to affect positive change?
  • Were there any themes that were present in different departments, or even different branches?

The results of your employee engagement survey should yield concrete courses of action.

POLYAS-Tip: Carry out employee engagement surveys conveniently, anonymously, and securely. Obtain the results with a mouse-click and boost participation rates in your survey. Learn more about the advantages of online engagement surveys!

Engagement surveys – how they work!

Create the questionnaire for your employee engagement survey quickly and easily online. Send invitations via email and give employees access to the online survey through SecureLink. Your employees can then easily, securely and anonymously log-in and fill out the survey. By going digital you’ll be able to save money on printing and postage, boost employee participation in the survey and download the results with a simple mouse-click.

Contact our experts for an introduction to online employee engagement surveys!